What Goes Into Creating a Website?
It’s a fair assumption that many of us interact with multiple websites on a daily basis. We don’t often consider the complexities behind simple actions like clicking a button or adding an item to a cart. With the rise of services that revolve around things like drag-and-drop website building and easy-to-use templates, there is a misconception that the web is easy.
The reality is, using a drag-and-drop or boxed solution helps you start your online presence. However, it does not optimize or allow you to customize. They can’t replace the work of dedicated professionals in fields like design, SEO services, or security and platform monitoring.
When you consider that customers form an impression of your brand based on a few seconds of interaction with your online presence, you can start to see how building a complete, optimized website for a business is not quite as simple as some of these “plug and play” solutions would lead you to believe. That’s why we’re going to take you through the general process of what goes into creating a website with a professional team.
Project Discovery/Preferences
Before putting together a new website, it’s important for any team or agency to do discovery work. This process can be thorough, but it is vital to making sure that your project meets the goals you establish. As your digital strategy partner, Vervology wants to know “how can we help you?” and this is the question that frames our discovery conversations.
We want to learn what’s important to you in terms of design, branding, messaging, and other key elements. Vervology considers current promotional materials, color scheme/logo, and the current state of your social media. We ask about specific websites in your area of expertise you think are effective. It’s good to understand the competition, and hearing what you think makes these successful. We will also help with solutions and opinions in areas like picking the most effective domain name and untangling issues with current web hosting service providers to provide a smooth transition.
Building the Website
Based on the information provided, the team begins to build your site. They make sure to address issues that came up during the discovery process. At Vervology, careful attention is given to details regarding design, accessibility, and performance, all while ensuring the overall project stays true to the brand you have built and the goals you have outlined.
A content developer will also most likely work with you to create or update existing content that you have to ensure it is optimized for the web. This could include text, blog posts, pictures, videos, etc. These are necessary components for delivering value to visitors and ensuring your first impression is a positive one. This building process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks or more. It all depends on the company you’re working with and the kind of site you need.
Review and Iterate
After the site has been created, there will typically be a testing phase to ensure all components are functioning properly. The more complex a website is, the more testing goes into it. The work that goes into this phase ensures that a site launch or migration can be done smoothly. If a review is necessary to clarify any outstanding issues or to get client approval, feedback from those meetings will be used to iterate on the work performed. It’s through this iteration and review process that maximum impact is reached.
Launch Website and Support
Finally, after every component has been created and tested, it’s time for the big day. Site launches can be exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. That’s one of the nice parts of working with an agency: knowing that your project is in professional hands.
At Vervology, we issue clients an extensive site launch guide to help educate and empower our clients with the knowledge they need to be effective with their new website. You will have our time and attention to help iron out any issues that may come up during and following the launch window to ensure everything is running smoothly. Understanding how the agency or team you hire will handle the post-launch and support phase of the project should be a key consideration when choosing who to work with.
Successful websites are ones that evolve and change over time to keep up with the market. This is why it’s important to align yourself with an agency or team that believes in building partnerships. You want to grow with someone over time, not just engage someone for a specific moment. At Vervology, we believe the company that best understands you and your business is the one you build that long-term relationship with. Visit our contact page and let us know how we can help you.