3 Ways Company Culture Affects Your Content


When creating content for a blog, social media update, or addition to your website, it takes a certain level of creativity and collaboration. The general mindset of your business will ultimately affect how the work comes out, whether it’s short and sweet or a longform writing piece. That is why company culture is so important when thinking about your content strategy.

This thinking goes beyond knowing how to provide consistency in your brand. It’s about taking the passion you and your employees have for what you do and funneling that into your content. Audiences today aren’t interested in a hastily thrown together article. Rather, they want to read something that shows true commitment to the craft.

In today’s article, we will be taking a look at a few ways in which company culture will affect your content. We will also be diving deeper into what company culture actually means for your business.

What Is Company Culture?

Company culture is the way in which employees interact within an organization, as well as how they present the business to those outside of it. In typical conversations about company culture, topics like how it affects morale and employee productivity are often brought up.

While these are both incredibly important, company culture extends far beyond this, reaching into things like business perception, both internal and external. Basically, it is the overall mindset that employees of an organization share that comes out in how they talk, act, and perform at work.

A company’s culture can be created deliberately by management. This could include intentionally expressing the core values that make up the company and how employees are expected to perform. It can also be developed overtime without any sort of deliberate action from team leaders.

What Is a Good Company Culture?

Although fairly abstract in nature, there is usually a stark difference between a good company culture and a negative company culture. Good company culture provides a positive work environment with fun and professional ways for employees to connect. Everyone working there is well-versed in the company values and takes them to heart as their own values.

Transparency and diversity are also key indicators of good company culture. Everyone should feel welcome and like they are “in the know” on company happenings. Leaders are accessible by all members of the workplace community and help embody the core beliefs that make the business what it is.

1. Quality of Content

This may seem obvious, but it’s totally true. If employees feel beaten down, like they aren’t included, or are overall disenfranchised with their company or current position, the work that’s produced will reflect that.

The content will be half-hearted or won’t resonate well with the brand. Maybe it doesn’t line up with the company’s values because those haven’t been clearly communicated. Whatever it is, something is clearly missing and your online presence is suffering because of it.

Take the time to set out clear guidelines for what content should look and feel like. Set up a checks and balances system to allow other members of your team to ensure that it’s a quality piece. It also may be worth pulling the writer or social media manager aside to discuss what’s bothering them and what the business and managers can do to support the company culture.

2. Authenticity of Content

If company values are unclear or the person creating the content feels like they need to be hiding some facet of the company, this will undoubtedly come through in the content. Readers will be able to feel a strong disconnect between what the blog or social media post is saying and what the company actually does.

For instance, if the blog post is “10 Ways to Enhance Your Customer Service,” but the company’s actual customer service isn’t up to par, there is a clear lack of authenticity. The person writing the blog may be doing so simply because they were asked to.

Let employees take their own liberties when putting together content. They should feel free to discuss their opinions or concerns when writing pieces with their bosses and supervisors. And if your company culture is indeed positive, they won’t do jobs simply to get them done. The passion and authenticity will shine through.

3. Creative Expression

Social media campaigns and website writing should be creative and engaging. If employees feel stifled by a toxic work environment or feel they have been beaten down for their creativity in the past, this is not going to come through.

Be open to new ideas from your team. As much as possible, be willing to let them try new tactics in their creative process, while also supporting company values. Encourage them to think outside the box and put the pressure to simply “get it right” off.

Expectations should still be clearly set in place, and it’s always important to give clear feedback, but if employees are mostly worried about just getting their task done, the content will not get expected returns from customers. Your content should be engaging. If employees aren’t engaged and in-touch with their creative side, this will hurt you in the long run.

In Summary

There is a flip side to all of this. If you’re hoping to get an unbiased sense regarding your company culture, talk to someone who follows your content. They’ll be able to get a sense for everything we just discussed simply by taking a scroll through your social media or blog feed. Be sure that the most authentic, most positive image of your business is constantly being portrayed.

Do you need help managing your content or your brand’s voice? Vervology is here to help. Get in touch for a free consultation.